Diet for chronic and acute pancreatitis of the pancreas, a sample menu

Girl eats

Any type of therapeutic diet is aimed at facilitating the work of the gastrointestinal tract and related organs.

Inflammatory processes in the pancreas are accompanied by pain syndromes, deterioration of the general condition of the patient and require a meaningful approach to daily nutrition.

Let's see what kind of diet is needed for patients with pancreatitis.

Why is diet necessary?

In order not to provoke another attack of pancreatitis or not to transfer the chronic to the acute phase, you should adhere to the diet recommended by nutritionists.Violation of standards, a return to eating habits can provoke not only a worsening of the patient's condition, but also cause a number of complications.

Any drug treatment must be accompanied by a certain dietary table, without which all attempts at cure will be unsuccessful. If the basic principles of treatment are not followed, the enzymes secreted by the pancreas, instead of their main focus (digestion of incoming food), will begin to digest the cells of the organ itself.


The basic principles of the diet for acute pancreatitis, exacerbation of chronic and chronic should include the following factors:

  • rough or tough food that can additionally damage the gastrointestinal tract is replaced with a puree-like food;
  • the number of meals is crushed up to 5 times a day, with a minimum serving size;
  • food temperature should be medium, hot and cold foods are prohibited;
  • animal fats are replaced by vegetable fats, but not more than 60 grams in the daily diet;
  • broths are allowed after the second, third boil;
  • meat must be carefully twisted and chopped;
  • protein intake should not be less than 150 grams per day;
  • vegetables and fruits are recommended to be baked or boiled, fresh consumption is impractical;
  • mandatory maintenance of water balance - more than two liters of fluid per day.

In case of an initial attack of pancreatitis, the patient is advised to fast for two days. During this period, it is allowed to drink mineral (alkaline) water. All dishes consumed after medical fasting are used in crushed form, with a decrease in symptomatic manifestations - in a standard form.

The number of calories consumed per day during the diet should not exceed 2500 kcal. With an exacerbation, the calorie content of dishes decreases to 1500-1700 kcal.

Prohibited and Prohibited Products

What you can eaton a diet for acute pancreatitis:

    Girl at the table with healthy products
  • Porridge on the water - buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina, rice - with a slightly viscous or liquid consistency.
  • Dairy - low-calorie kefirs, yoghurts, yogurt, cottage cheese, milk. Butter is allowed for consumption no more than 15 grams per day.
  • Lean fish - cod, pike, flounder, pike perch, pollock - boiled or steamed.
  • Lean meat - beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey, calf - boiled or steamed.
  • Vegetables - mashed or baked - potatoes, pumpkin, cucumbers, beets, green peas, carrots. Peking cabbage, cauliflower or broccoli.
  • Decoctions, juices, compotes, mousses of berries, fruits.
  • Vegetable oils - olive, sunflower, corn - in minimal portions.
  • Weakly brewed tea - green, black.
  • Sweets - jam, marshmallow, marshmallow, jam, jelly - in minimal portions.
  • Soups with water or vegetable broth - with chopped cereals, pasta.
  • Cheese - low fat, no spices.
  • Fruit (sweet, ripe) - pineapple, red apples, strawberries, watermelon - in small quantities.
  • Bread products - dried bread, croutons, biscuits, dry biscuits.
  • Eggs - in the form of a steam omelet, no more than four units per week.

Do not eat:

  • All types of sausages.
  • Carbonated sweet drinks, alcoholic and low alcohol, smoking.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Fatty broths, fish soup, borscht, cabbage soup, milk soups.
  • Fatty meats - goose, pork, lamb.
  • Fatty or sour curd.
  • Preservation, especially meat.
  • Canned green peas, peas, beans, lentils.
  • Mayonnaise and other condiments (sauces).
  • Ice cream, iced drinks, hot soups, teas, coffee.
  • Wheat, barley, pearl barley.
  • Fatty fish - catfish, trout, salmon, sturgeon, mackerel.
  • Lard and animal fats.
  • Sugar, candy (including chocolate), cocoa, chocolate, coffee drinks.
  • Tomatoes, spinach, white cabbage.
  • Bread - freshly baked white, buns, puff pastry, whole wheat bread (wholemeal)
  • Whole milk or condensed milk, condensed cream.
  • Citrus fruits, grapes, figs, mangoes, bananas.

In chronic pancreatitisin the latent phase, the list of permitted products expands a little, some of the prohibited products become conditionally permitted. Allowed in remission:

    Allowed foods for pancreatitis
  • linseed oil;
  • sweet grapes, pear, dried fruit (including prunes), banana, lingonberry, melon;
  • squid, mussels, shrimp;
  • sprouted wheat jelly;
  • coffee drinks with milk;
  • cinnamon, turmeric;
  • walnuts, peanuts, cashews;
  • dill, parsley, celery;
  • premium cooked sausage;
  • eggplants, onions - thermally processed.

Recommendations on prohibited and permitted foods are given to the patient by a dietitian based on the general condition of the body and the presence of food allergies.

Sample menu for a week

The provided nutritional regimen is not the main one, its use must be agreed with the attending physician.

Breakfast 1 Breakfast 2 Lunch Afternoon snack Dinner
1 Milk oatmeal, sugar free green tea, steamed patty Compote, boiled beef, curd pudding Tea, soup with a couple of meatballs, grated Baked pear and apple Liquid mashed potatoes, meatloaf, low-fat kefir
2 Rice pudding, compote, steamed omelet Baked meat, fat-free cottage cheese, compote Vegetable soup, liquid jelly, beet puree Baked sweet apples Sugar free tea, steamed meatballs, cottage cheese pudding
3 Liquid buckwheat, tea, steamed meatballs Steamed vegetables, sour milk, steamed turkey cutlets Liquid mashed potatoes, vegetable soup, boiled rabbit, compote Tea without sugar, fruit soufflé Mashed baked zucchini, jelly, chicken breast
4 Unsweetened tea, mashed potatoes, boiled fish Rosehip broth, steamed protein omelet Liquid semolina, jelly, steamed meat cutlet Milk tea, low fat cottage cheese Carrot puree, compote, boiled fish
5 Liquid rice porridge, tea, fat-free cottage cheese Kissel, curd pudding Hercules cream soup, compote, steamed cutlets Tea, apple and carrot pudding Steamed meatballs, baked beets, tea
6 Unsweetened tea, oatmeal in the water, boiled fish Compote, cottage cheese with a spoonful of honey Grated vegetable soup, steamed fish loaf, carrot puree, tea Low fat yogurt, candy Tea, oatmeal with boiled chicken
7 Vermicelli, boiled fish, compote Kissel, steamed protein omelet Vegetable soup, tea, buckwheat porridge, steamed meatloaf Skim cheese soufflé, tea Boiled chicken, kefir, carrot puree

Delicious Recipes

Steam cutlets


  • lean beef - 250 grams;
  • milk - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil - 3 spoons;
  • a pinch of salt.

The meat is thoroughly chopped in a meat grinder, the remaining components are added to the resulting minced meat. Small balls are formed from the mass and cooked in a double boiler. Cooking time - half an hour.

Rosehip decoction

A glass of rose hips is filled with one and a half liters of boiling water, infused in a thermos. Manufacturing time - 2 hours. With an increased strength of the broth, dilution with boiled water (1 to 1) is possible.

Beet and Carrot Salad

Beets and carrots in the peel are boiled, peeled and grated. Dressed with vegetable oil, served as a side dish.

Opinions of doctors

Various products

According to doctors, a balanced diet (table number 5) quickly normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the pancreas.Following the recommendations allows patients to quickly move from acute pancreatitis to remission and lead a normal life.

Nutritionists note that constant compliance with the requirements for pancreatitis helps suppress the disease and does not allow it to go into the acute phase in the chronic version of the disease. The general condition of the patient's body depends on himself - refusal from a therapeutic diet invariably leads to repeated attacks and a return to the acute phase of the disease.

Diet Reviews & Results

Opinions about the benefits of the diet on the part of the sick are unambiguous - extremely positive. People who have experienced pain during an initial attack do not try to violate the recommended lifestyle. In childhood, acute pancreatitis also requires adherence to diets, split meals and spa treatment.

Parents faced with this phenomenon should reconsider the baby's diet, remove food that is not suitable for his age. The main mistake in feeding children is early transfer to a common table, a large amount of fried, fatty, smoked food. In adults, these dishes are a sign of a love of unhealthy eating, which results in pancreatitis.

“I got twisted right at work, the ambulance took me to the hospital, where I was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. The first three days they kept me on mineral water, and then they only allowed table No. 5.

When I was discharged from the hospital, I went to a dietitian and asked him to put me on the right diet. For the second year I have been using only it, I have not had more seizures. "

“My son and I got into gastroenterology right from kindergarten. I do not know what exactly caused the disease, perhaps the child's love for meat. We were treated well, now we are sitting on a permanent dietary table. Out of solidarity, the whole family switched over to him, so we are definitely not threatened with gastrointestinal diseases.

“At the party I decided to cheat a little and ate one dish that was forbidden to me. My chronic pancreatitis responded right in the morning - unbearable pains in the stomach area and cold sweat. The doctor prescribed a starvation diet for three days, and then - a standard diet for this disease. It's unpleasant that I provoked the attack myself, but diet always saves me - nothing better has been invented yet. "